Tap into the world's largest community of outdoor and travel-inspired creators. Discover, source, and partner with content creators who elevate your brand—quickly, simply, and on a platform with everything you need.
Need User-generated content (UGC)? Sponsored posts on an influencer's page? High-quality photos or b-roll? Our community understands your needs - just share the details and need-to-knows. Popfly makes collaboration easy.
Publishing on Popfly instantly alerts hundreds of good-fit creators and tens of thousands more shortly thereafter. Campaigns are featured on our marketing channels.
Watch real-time applications from curated creators for your campaign. Review notes, manage lists, and start selecting with ease. Direct message creators with 90%+ response rates and access sharable, autogenerated content drives for your team.
Launch unlimited campaigns. Work with unlimited creators. Source unlimited content.
‍ No matter the tier, no matter which brand, no matter what. With Popfly, access unlimited campaign types--sponsored content, licensed user-generated content (UGC), product seeding, and more.
Discover talented creators easier and faster than ever. Use content in your advertising, on your socials, to support retailers, on your website, to test new products, and beyond.
Easy payments, straight-forward licensing
Express Licensing ensures you know what you have rights too, and for how long. Popfly Cash helps you stay on top of creator payouts, while leaving the 1099s to the platform. Stress less with Popfly.
Secure file storage
Easily share autogenerated content drives with creators on a per campaign basis. Backed by Google Cloud. Get organized with Popfly.
Creator Travel schedules
Creators worldwide go on new adventures every month. Access Popfly's proprietary database and send your products with them for diverse content. Stay on top of trends with Popfly.
Instant messaging &Â responsive creators
Tired of diving through Instagram DMs hoping an influencer sees your message? Easily chat with thousands of brand-relevant creators who are engaged and responsive. Move faster with Popfly.
Agency touch, software prices
Clear, flat pricing with no transaction fees or extra licensing costs, helping you maximize content spend. Oh yeah, and we offer industry leading customer support and the best platform pricing. Supercharge your ROI.
Access talented outdoor and adventure creators right now. With Popfly, you'll source talent, manage relationships, and license and store content more easily, quickly, and cost-effectively than ever before.